The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.

- Kahlil Gibran

Monday, July 15, 2013

Report Writing


How to write a report.Let us now look at report writing. Read the sample question below:

Your school recently organised a Leadership Camp for the committee of the various clubs in your school. You are the Editor of the School Magazine. You, too, attended the camp and you have been asked to write a report for your school magazine. In your report, include the following information: 

Place: Tanari Resort, Batu Pahat
Date: 23-25th June  
Participants: Presidents and secretaries of various clubs in school 
Organised by: Co-curricular Unit 
Objectives of the camp: 
  • to instil leadership qualities 
  • to improve teamwork  
Facilitators: Youth leaders from local college
Activities: Day 1 
  • Briefing by facilitators 
  • Setting up tents 
  • Group activities  
Day 2
  • Morning exercise 
  • Survival skills 
  • Night hike 
Day 3  
  • Feedback session 

Thursday, July 11, 2013


How to write a Speech

Here are some guidelines you should follow when giving a speech or a talk.Let’s look at a sample question:You recently won the ‘Best Student Award’ in your school. You have been asked to give a talk during assembly to share tips with the other students on what they need to do so that they too can become successful students.Use the following notes to write your speech.


  • set goals
  • be motivated
  • pay attention
  • ask questions
  • be organised
  • complete homework on time
  • prepare well for exams
  • take part in co-curricular activities
  • obey school rules
  • respect everyone
  • wasting time
  • skipping school

When writing your speech, you should remember to:
address your audience
state the purpose of the speech
use all the points given
end your speech appropriately
Introductory Paragraph:
1. address your audience
2. introduce yourself
3. state the purpose of your speech

Second Paragraph
1. point 1 (set goals)
2. point 2 (be motivated)
3. point 3 (pay attention)
4. point 4 (ask questions)

Third Paragraph
1. point 5 (be organised)
2. point 6(complete homework on time)
3. point 7 (prepare well for exams)

Fourth Paragraph
1. point 8 (take part in co-curricular activities)
2. point 9 (obey school rules)

Fifth Paragraph
1. point 10 (respect everyone)

Sixth Paragraph
1. point 11 (avoid wasting time)
2. point 12 (avoid skipping school)

Final Paragraph
1. conclude appropriately

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sample Question for Formal Letter SPM Paper 1 (Section A)

So, here is the question!
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
[Time suggested : 45 minutes]

You are the secretary of the IT Club in your school. The club members would like to visit the FT Teach Company, a multi-media company. Write a letter to the Manager of the Public Relations Department asking for permission to make a visit to the company. Write your letter by using the notes below.

  • day, date and time of visit
  • objectives of visit
    • familiarize students with potential careers 
    • expose students to different aspects of working life
    • gain knowledge of the multi-media industry
  • number of Form 5 students and teachers making the visit
  • alternatives dates if proposed date is not suitable

When writing the letter, you should remember:
  • to lay out the format correctly
  • to use all the notes given
  • that your letter is a formal letter.

Please take note.

For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing. Make sure you elaborate on the points properly.

Now, lets write the essay!

Monday, February 20, 2012

SHOWCASE Kelab KEJARA dan Cegah Jenayah (in progress)

Because of unexpected technical errors and what not, the preparation for the showcase was halted until this morning (Feb 21st 2012). However, the committee worked very hard since early morning to put up all the materials and also prepared the place for showcase. An announcement was also made during the first period to let the students know about the Showcase and other activities that are taking place starting recess time. HS took some pictures showing the progress of the preparation.
 a) Club Pres trying to fix the box for quiz

 b) Start putting up materials while waiting for the other committes

c) Still lonely :P

 d) The girls helps finding more materials to put up

 e) It's not easy to be club Pres. Haha

 f) Working...working...

 g) Girls take charge while the boys work on the other showcase area

 h) "We need moreeee..."

 i) Faster boys! Faster!!

 j) Making sure everything is in order

 k) Nicely done :3

 l) Promoting the showcase area

m) Err...our first visitor. :P

In the end, everybody agreed to put up more materials before tomorrow. HS admired the club president (Izzul Haziq) and other members for showing efforts to make sure the Showcase is a success. I will post up more pictures soon. :3 Thanks guys. You're the best!

~HS the MOD~

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Kelab Cegah Jenayah dan KEJARA under HS's care is having "Road Safety and Crimes Prevention" showcase at English Territory (main showcase area) and HS's board corner (sub showcase area) in conjunction to Minggu Kelab Cegah Jenayah dan KEJARA from 20th until 24th February 2012. There are also KEJARA quiz competition that offered interesting prizes to participants from SEMAKMUR. It is opened to SEMAKMUR 2012 students only.

Here is the sample of the quiz that could win you one of our prizes :
In order to raise the chance of winning, one of the questions was purposely put as bonus (you can guess which :P) The club's aiming for at least 200 participants and winners will be determined by drawing lots.

So, SEMAKMUR students, get ready to join the competition and WIN WIN WIN!!!!

P/S : Competition is from 20th - 24th February only. Terms and Conditions applied. :3

~HS the MOD~