The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.

- Kahlil Gibran

Monday, January 30, 2012


I was browsing through the internet on the ways to improve the students speaking skills when I came across this article.

ESL Students - How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

How can I improve my English speaking skills?
1) Targets - Set yourself five words a day to practice speaking. Keep a log of words that you are going to master and review them regularly. Learn both the meaning and the pronunciation. Try to practice the words with a native speaker, so any corrections can be made to the pronunciation if it is incorrect.
2) Listen - Pay close attention to how English words are spoken. Listen to English songs, watch English movies and TV as often as possible. These activities will help you get familiar with the sounds that you need to replicate. You will be exposed to an array of different accents and get used to how native speakers talk.
3) Talk - Seek out people to talk to using the words that you have learned. When you speak try and be as clear as you can, talk slowly so as not to run over your words and help others to understand what you are saying.
4) Patience - Don't be too hard on yourself. Learning a new language is not easy and there will be times when you cannot remember words and make mistakes. Stay calm and be patient with yourself if you forget a word, use an alternative word if there is one or allow the person you are talking to help you out.
5) Read - Read as many books and articles you can find. Read them out loud and to a native speaker if possible.
6) Friends - Make friends with as many native English speakers you can find. Let them know you are trying to learn to speak English well and take the opportunity to chat when you can as this will rapidly increase your speaking skills.
In my opinion, these 6 ways are the most effective tools to improve speaking skills provided that the students have the drive to improve themselves. Motivation is the key word here. With motivation, everything is possible. 

Lets not have this happen to our children. :D
~HS the MOD~

Saturday, January 28, 2012

PBS ONLINE in-house training

Last January 5th, 2012, HS conducted in-house training to all SEMAKMUR teacher on the all-new PBS online. The training went well except for the expected technical difficulties (unstable internet connection, few inaccessible computer - etc) which did little to disrupt the progress and the spirit of the trainee. Everybody had given their full attention to the speaker and the training ended at 4.30 p.m where all tired but supportive teachers finally left the building.

Tired but gave their all to practice

Our principal and GPK1

The Masters...:D

Saved by the manuals when the internet connection 

Attempting logging...

Serious discussion alert...

Another logging attempt...

Training in the lab...

Heavy discussion about PBS online...

Some even brought their own laptop just in case...

The Merry Team...

Happy trainee :D

Towards the end of the course, everybody looked exhausted but happy. HS would like to thank everybody for full participation and continuous team-work and support. THANK YOU!

- HS the MOD -